Today the car rewards credit card is one of the credit cards of higher value which can be found. By partnering with car manufacturers, many banks and credit card companies are able to offer more rewards for every dollar you spend. This occurs because the auto manufacturers are splitting the cost to provide these cards to customers in exchange for advertising. In this article we will see a number of reward credit cards several cars that are available today and what they can offer.
A. Volkswagen Platinum Rewards Visa Card
This card is issued by first Bank USA and some of the key features to be had from this tab are indicated below. The way this works is that rewards card for every $ 1 you spend on Volkswagen elements, you will receive 2 points. For any other purchases you make, you will receive 1 point for every dollar you spend.
1. you will earn reward points that can be converted into discounts for your favorite merchandise (which includes gift certificates for large retailers).
2. reward points that you earn when using your card can also be used to provide you with discount travel on both airfares, hotel stays and car rental.
3. you may also want to use the reward points towards the purchase of a new Volkswagen. Or you can use these reward points for renting a Volkswagen or make a payment on Volkswagen you possess now.
B. Subaru Platinum MasterCard from Chase
This card by Chase Manhattan Bank has offered consumers who plan to purchase or lease a Subaru vehicle within 4 years from the date of issue of the paper. The characteristics of this tab are indicated below.
1. There is no annual fee to be paid.
2. You are provided with a grace period interest free on any new purchases you make with this card.
3. It offers a low introductory annual percentage rate of 0% APR on balance transfers for any first 6 months.
4. you can earn a discount of 3% in Subaru Bucks rewards on purchases every day to do.
As you can see, there are many benefits you can enjoy by using a car Rewards credit card. We chose only a few random examples of these credit cards, but if you were to do a search on the internet that you will be amazed at just how many there are.
Stephen Chua is the founder of [], where you will find detailed descriptions of all major credit cards as apply for credit cards rewards online []. Sign up for free newsletter and get a complimentary copy of the report "how to improve your credit score legally"!
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